Takit est un cabinet de conseil en recrutement, stratégie digitale et prestations de service.
Nos méthodologies de travail s’orientent avant tout sur la qualité de nos prestations et la satisfaction de nos clients, ces derniers allant des cabinets de conseil aux clients finaux, en passant par les éditeurs de logiciels.
Votre premier partenaire en recrutement
différents niveaux d’interventions
La vision du recrutement de TAKIT.IO est à 360° : une relation de confiance et qualitative entre les candidats, les clients et le recruteur. Cette vision s’articule autour de ces valeurs et de ces engagements :
disposant d'une connaissance étendue sur un marché spécifique.
et problématiques du client, honoraires au succès de la mission. Des modalités avantageuses pour un vrai partenariat.
Nos clients
Ce que pensent Nos clients
Nous nous soucions de ce que nos clients pensent de nous. Nous sommes des partenaires de votre entreprise et votre succès est le nôtre.

Takit.io are very knowledgeable about their market.
Their efficiency and their professionalism are a real
pleasure, they are serious, involved, and available
to find the best solution. I would highly recommend
working with Takit.io.

Takit.io fulfilled several requests related to
consultants recruitment. They are reliable,
available, transparent and honnest. I appreciated
working with them and will not hesitate to get in
contact once again if I have a future need.

I have worked with Takit.io on several occasions, and
I have to say I was very happy of our collaboration.
What makes them different is their professionalism
with reactive and relevant approach. Takit.io has
always made efforts to make business easier and
possible, and that why I am happy to work
with them in total confidence.

I very appreciate Takit.io because they are trustfull
and they understand exactly client's needs. We rarely
find a recruiter who know his market such as them.
They always carry about the consultant and try
to find a way to solve problems. This is why
I will recommend Takit.io
75116 – Paris